Former US Ambassador and WSJ best selling author.
LISA GABLE is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author recognized worldwide as a turnaround mastermind. As CEO of several organizations, and as a former US Ambassador, UN Delegate, and advisor to Fortune 500 companies, Lisa has orchestrated and executed the successful turnarounds of well-known private and public organizations in all industries and sectors. She is highly regarded in business, political, and philanthropic circles for her ability to tackle difficult issues directly and with discipline and diplomacy.
Over the years, Lisa’s proven turnaround methods have helped her move organizations to higher levels of performance by creating sustainable partnerships and profitable business models that have brought together political parties, corporate competitors, and even disparate nations. She is currently a Distinguished Fellow at the SMU Lyle School of Engineering. Prior to this role, Lisa served as the CEO of FARE, the largest NGO investing in food allergy research, a senior advisor at PepsiCo, and President of the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation where she worked on cross-sector solutions to improve intractable public health issues. From 1994 to 2009, she was a founding principal of The Brand Group, an advisory firm dedicated to helping companies such as Apple, Gap Inc., Intel, Oracle, Radisson Hotels, GI Film Festivals, and more implement change strategies.
In 2004, she was appointed by President George W. Bush as the first woman in the Fair’s 150-year history to direct the U.S. Pavilion, a 100 percent non-federally funded $33.7 million operation with more than 70 employees. She completed operations with the first budget surplus in the history of the World’s Fair, an achievement publicly recognized in a Senate proclamation in 2005. Earlier in her career, Lisa worked in high tech as corporate identity manager at Intel, in the White House as deputy associate director of presidential personnel, and in the US Department of Defense as a special assistant in the Technology Transfer Policy.
Lisa was named one of the 10 Most Innovative Businesswomen in 2020 by The Business Berg. An entrepreneur and mentor, Lisa acts deliberately to move organizations and individuals toward their full potential. She is currently a columnist for CEOWORLD, a member of the Women’s Democracy Network and serves as a board advisor for FriendsLearn, and the Diplomatic Courier. In the past, she was the founding chair of the board of directors for the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World; a national trustee of the Boys and Girls Club of America and on the board of directors of Girls Scouts of the USA; a board of trustee of Thunderbird School of Management and a member of the National Academy of Medicine IOM Roundtable on Obesity Solutions. She is also a mentor in organizations such as Rare as One, FasterCures, and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.
A sought-after speaker she has given keynotes and presentations for the Clinton Global Initiative, National Institutes of Health, National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research, Bridging the Food Industry and Public Health Divide, the Newseum, CONMEXICO, Women Leading Women, and numerous corporate and nonprofit domestic and international conferences and events. Lisa has been featured in media outlets including NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, the Today Show, the New York Times, The Hill, PBS Newshour, and a wide variety of scientific journals, podcasts, and top U.S. daily newspapers.
A proud mom to a Montessori teacher, Lisa lives in Washington, DC, with her husband, a high-tech entrepreneur.