Envision Humanity



James Canton

Renowned global futurist, social scientist, keynote presenter, author, and visionary business advisor.

Dr. James Canton is a renowned global futurist, social scientist, keynote presenter, author, and visionary business advisor. For over 25 years, he has been insightfully predicting the key trends that shape our world. He is a leading authority on future trends in innovation and technology. He is CEO and Chairman of the Institute for Global Futures, leading think tank he founded in 1990 that advises business and government clients.

A frequent guest of the media, Dr. Canton has been a commentator on CNBC, Fox and CNN and his work has been recognized by Forbes, the Economist, PBS, Fortune, Discovery and the Wall Street Journal. He is the author of Future Smart, Managing the Game Changing Trends that will Shape Your World, The Extreme Future and Technofutures.

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