Adjunct professor of Natural Sciences at the University of Maryland Global Campus.
Carl R. Berman, Jr (Carl) is an adjunct professor of Natural Sciences at the University of Maryland Global Campus. His diverse subjects include General Biology, Marine Biology, Meteorology, Physical Geology, Physical Science, and The History and Psychology of Polar Exploration. Since 1994 when he started his teaching career at California State University, Monterey Bay, he has taught at the university level, both online and in lecture classes. Carl served in the U.S. Navy for 5 years then spent 25 years with the NOAA Commissioned Corps (part of the Department of Commerce) involved with hydrography, marine pollution studies, and fisheries science. He also held positions ashore including one tour with the National Marine Fisheries Service Laboratories (NMFS) in Oxford, MD, and another at the NMFS Lab in Sandy Hook, New Jersey.
In 1983, Carl received his PhD from the College of William and Mary and in 1977, his MS from Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. From 1988 to 1991, he served as the Coordinator for the IGOSS (Integrated Global Ocean Services System) project for UNESCO in Paris. In this capacity he supervised a worldwide ocean temperature observation operation and managed the Indian and Southern Ocean programs. During his three years with the United Nations, he taught a seminar on the scientific basis for the Marine Pollution Conventions (MARPOL) at the Word Maritime University in Malmo, Sweden. Carl enjoys sharing his experiences with the students to enlarge their perspective on the world’s ecosystems. He encourages students to
become engaged citizens and appreciate the problems of both the developed and developing world. Carl has worked with students from around the world including Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Pacific.
From September to December 2019, Carl was a member of the faculty in the Semester at Sea Program under the auspices of Colorado State University. He served as the Faculty Scholar for Oceans and Sustainability teaching in both the Global Studies and Oceanography curricula. Aboard the ship World Odyssey, Carl, and his wife, Joyce, also on the faculty, visited 11 countries and 12 cities during their 4 months at sea.
Carl is married to Joyce Gioia, a professional speaker, bestselling author, and celebrity futurist. Between them they have four daughters and six grandchildren. Joyce and Carl live in Austin, Texas. Carl is excited about the opportunity to work with the participants in the Envision Humanity Program and give them the benefit of his knowledge and expertise while, at the same time, honing theirs.